Terms of Use. This McGivney Resources Catalog website (“Catalog”) is accessible worldwide to anyone with internet access. Access to and use of the Catalog is subject to the terms and conditions of this User Agreement and all applicable laws and regulations, including laws and regulations governing copyright and trademark. BY ACCESSING THE McGIVNEY RESOURCES CATALOG, YOU ACCEPT, WITHOUT LIMITATION OR QUALIFICATION, ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS IN THIS USER AGREEMENT. The Knights of Columbus reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. The changes will appear on this screen. By using the Catalog, you agree in advance to accept any such changes.
Rights in the Materials. The materials used and displayed in the Catalog, including but not limited to text, software, photographs, graphics, illustrations and artwork, video, music and sound, and names, logos, trademarks and service marks (“Materials”), are the property of the Knights of Columbus, its licensors, or the copyright holders for which the Knights of Columbus serves as custodian, and are protected by copyright, trademark and other laws.
Limited Grant of Rights. The Knights of Columbus grants limited permission to download Materials to promote the cause for canonization of Blessed Michael McGivney. As the owner or the custodian of the Materials, the Knights of Columbus permits individuals to use the Materials for devotional, editorial or educational purposes only, unless the information published in each image’s “rights statements” and “credit lines” fields provide for other specific terms of use. The permission to use these Materials is not a transfer of copyright ownership. The user assumes all responsibility for clearing reproduction rights relevant to devotional, editorial or educational use of the Materials.
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Prohibited Misuse. The Knights of Columbus prohibits any use of the Materials that is designed to denigrate Father McGivney, the Knights of Columbus, or the Catholic Church.
Credit attribution. The credit line used must be taken from the “credit line” field published with each item. This credit must be included for each reproduced Material or in each footnote or endnote reference. Depending on the Material, multiple credits (in addition to the Knights of Columbus) may be necessary.
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Source. All text, software, photographs, graphics and other Material of any and all kinds available on this website are provided by the Knights of Columbus, 1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510.
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